We offer individualized services to help you reach your employment goals. Whether you need training, coaching, or brushing up on your interview skills, we have experienced Employment Specialists that will help you become work-ready and find your perfect job.
Employment Services
Employment Services is designed to help individuals with disabilities find competitive employment opportunities. Our Employment Specialists will schedule time with each individual to understand their career goals and develop an individualized career plan. Depending on their needs, the Employment Specialist will assist with job applications, resume development and interviewing skills. Our Employment Specialists have built many relationships with Employers in their respective communities and will work to find the perfect job match for each individual.
Supported Employment
Supported Employment is a unique employment service for individuals with the most significant disabilities who require ongoing support services to succeed in competitive employment. Supported Employment includes job coaching that is often provided by an Employment Specialist after placement on the job. Supported Employment promotes social integration, productivity and maximum use of a person’s skills and abilities. Supported Employment may also include; arranging transportation, placement, training or retaining the supported worker.
On The Job Training (OJT)
On The Job Training is an opportunity for a person with a disability to develop the skills needed to realize their career goals. During OJT, the trainee interacts on a regular basis with Employees who do not have disabilities, holds a regular position, and is paid no less than minimum wage. OJT helps people with disabilities get used to the Employment environment while gaining valuable work experience.
Pre-Placement Training
Pre-placement Training is an optional service that may be delivered in conjunction with providing other Employment Services. This training is formal, structured, interactive, and is completed prior to job placement. Training includes, resume writing; instruction on interviewing skills; searching for and applying for jobs online; finding and completing job applications; managing Employer initial contacts; handling conflicts; navigating public transportation; and review of Customer benefit, as needed.